RSC - London

Jobs at the Royal Society of Chemistry

Chemistry is at the centre of everything you can see, smell, touch and taste. Whether studying the chemistry of life, or developing the advanced science behind modern technology, chemical scientists use their expertise to improve our health, our environment and our daily lives. The Royal Society of Chemistry is an international organisation connecting chemical scientists with each other, with other scientists, and with society as a whole. Founded in 1841, we have an international membership of over 50,000. We use the surplus from our global publishing and knowledge business to give thousands of chemical scientists the support and resources required to make vital advances in chemical knowledge.


We publish new research. We develop, recognise and celebrate professional capabilities. We bring people together to spark new ideas and new partnerships. We support teachers to inspire future generations of scientists. And we speak up to influence the people making decisions that affect us all. We are a catalyst for the chemistry that enriches our world.


Please note that this page is for external applicants only. If you currently work for the Royal Society of Chemistry or any of its subsidiaries please go to our internal careers page to view and apply for positions. 

Job Opportunities

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